All the services and cooperation that you can get from this office
1. Formation of primary association / team (male / female), providing advice on borrowing and providing all related information and forms. 2. Members form their own capital through collection of shares and savings deposits. 3. Provide loans to the members of the association for easy production of agricultural produce and agricultural inputs (fertilizers, seeds, pesticides and irrigation equipment).
A) Agricultural loan through Janata / Sonali Bank and (b) Preparatory micro loan.
4. For the formation of informal teams under the Integrated Poverty Alleviation Program (SADVIC), Rural Progress Project (PPRP), Rural Livelihoods Project (PJIP), Rural Poverty Alleviation Program (PADB) and for productive and income generating activities. 5. Loans are disbursed to the members immediately after the registration of the formal members and 8 (eight) weeks after the formation of the formal team.
6. Creating opportunities for co-operatives to market their produce and assisting in obtaining fair prices. 7. Assistance in empowerment of women and development of women leadership, prevention of oppression of women and creation of awareness on dowry system. 8. Advice and services for members on adult education, health, nutrition and family planning etc.
9. Advice and assistance in raising awareness about tree planting and sanitation. 10. Providing loans in exchange for nominal services for the purpose of creating self-reliance of indigent freedom fighters and their dependents.
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS