*To maintain law and order and assist the administration in this regard.
*To take various steps to curb crime and smuggling.
*Agriculture, arboriculture, fisheries and animal husbandry health, cottage industries, irrigation communication
*Expansion of family planning activities
*To develop local resources and ensure their use
*Preservation of public property such as roads, bridges, culverts, dams, canals, telephones, electricity etc.
*To review the development activities of other organizations at the union level and to make recommendations in this regard to the Upazila Nirbahi Officer if necessary.
*Encourage people to use hygienic toilets.
*Registration of births and deaths, blind, beggars and the destitute.
*Conduct all types of censuses.
Problem solving, village courts, arbitration, development, project implementation, government planning and project implementation, provision of various services, issuance of various certificates including citizenship certificate, inheritance certificate, death certificate, safe water supply, management of education activities, law and order, road - Construction of ghats, pools and culverts etc.
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS