Communication system
Laxmipur district union councils of the distance of 15.00 km, about Laxmipur district healthcare complex caupalli addition to the CNG market has come. BMW of the Union transportation system: CNG rates of 35 rupees (per person) north of Jaipur from the union of several villages Commute: caupalli market Hanif Miyagi hamtasiiena, G Rental 10 Toka (per person) caupalli market palapara bajarariksa rent 30 (per person) caupalli Market binodapurariksa rent from 60 rupees (per person) caupalli rental market ghanesyamapurariksa 50 (apiece) caupalli Jahan Medical Plaza East from the South maguri rickshaw fares from 40 rupees (per person) caupalli manoharapurariksa rental market from 30 (per person) Nesar pulariksa caupalli market rent of 100 rupees (apiece)
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS